Open: Monday, March 10, 2025 – Sunday, July 27, 2025
- Various booth sizes available (starting at 10’ x 10’). Contact Rock 102 Sales Manager for options and rates.
- It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure booth(s) are staffed at all times (from arrival to 4:30pm) during show hours.
- Power hook-ups are very limited downtown. Vendors are responsible for securing and providing their own generator for power.
- Proof of liability insurance and fire safety guidelines must be followed and are the responsibility of the vendor.
- Food trucks and food service vendors must show proof of food truck license or complete a temporary food service application through Saskatoon District Health. Health inspectors will be on-site for the event and will conduct inspections.
- All vendor stalls must be paid for in advance of the show.
- ALL vendors must abide by Rock 102 Show & Shine Downtown Car Show Rules & Standards.
Complete form below.
- Rock 102 Show & Shine Downtown Car Show runs Sunday, August 17 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
- The Downtown Car Show is open to classic, antique, muscle, hot rod and custom vehicles. All vehicles must be in showmanship condition.
- Gates open for pre-registered car clubs at 6:30 am. All car clubs must be in place by 8:00 am in order to guarantee your spot.
- Gates opens for all other vehicles wanting to participate at 8:00 am. Space is limited an on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- All participating vehicles and vendors must be in place before 9:30 am. No vehicle entry will be permitted after this time.
- Event Organizers reserve the right to refuse any entry if rules and standards are not followed. Verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated.
- All participating vehicles must stay in place until 4:00 pm. Any car club or individual car that attempts to leave before 4:00 pm, will not be invited to participate next year.
- Car clubs, vehicle participants and vendors assume full responsibility to ensure at their sole cost their vehicles against loss or damage. The Show Coordinator(s) is not responsible or liable for any damage, theft or injury as a result of participation in the show.
- All participating vehicles and vendors must park in their assigned space, as indicated by the Show Coordinator(s). Vehicles are not permitted to park in reserved Heritage Car Club or Sponsor spaces. Alleys, driveways, on curbs or down the centre of the road are also off limits. You cannot leave your car downtown the night before.
- Requests for vendor stalls, contests, raffles, giveaways, advertising and selling of any materials require prior permission from the Show Coordinator(s). Vendor rates will apply.
- No sound systems are permitted without prior approval from Show Coordinator(s).
- No stunting. Any car club or participant vehicle that is involved in stunting incidents during any part of Rock 102 Show & Shine Weekend, will not be invited to participate next year.
- There will be no awards or dash plaques distributed as part of the 2025 Downtown Car Show.
- Alcoholic beverages are prohibited at all times, except in licensed establishments and businesses.
- Failure to obey the above regulations will result in immediate dismissal and your vehicle being towed at your own cost, if required. All Show Coordinator(s) decisions are final.
Christine Thille
Rock 102 Sales Manager, Rawlco Radio Saskatoon
Direct Line: 306-477-9276